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by Jesse Starling

With the WSL bringing the Championship Tour to Australia in 2021 and the forced quarantine on entry of 14+ days it has been interesting to see how the CT athletes have been handling their time in quarantine.

From the wild training of Italo (sorry for whoever is staying next to him) to the Vocal recording and pilates of Carissa Moore each surfer has their own unique way of passing the time.

The one surfer who looks to be making great use of her time is Costa Rican Brisa Hennessy and when you get to know her that shouldn’t surprise. Brisa is a really calm but focused surfer who knows how to get the best out of every situation, from surfing solid Cloud Break in Fiji to making some of the most amazing food Brisa can do it all.

BRISA BUSTING THE TAIL. Pic. brisahennessy Instagram

Today we caught up with the beautiful Brisa Hennessy, who is currently in day 9 of quarantine life to see how she’s coping, what she has been getting up to and what pre Australian quarantine life looked like for her! 

Hey brisa, how are you going, how’s quarantine life going for you? 

“Hey, I’m doing well thank you! Quarantine life has been going good, if i’m being honest with you going into it i was a little stressed but as the time got closer I realized this is such a rare opportunity, when do we ever experience having nowhere to go and have to fully be with ourselves. Even though there have been some hard days I am really trying to embrace that aspect of it which is slowing down, learning this about myself and getting to do things I thought I would normally never have “time” for”. 

I believe you’re up to day number 9 or 10 now, so getting close to the finish line, what has become your daily routine in quarantine life over the last week and a bit? 

“My biggest goal was to find this perfect balance between being extra productive but also slowing down if that makes sense haha! I normally wake up in the morning, have a cup of tea and write a little in my journal, I then move my body in some way either yoga or bike. I then have some breakfast, answer some emails and do some computer stuff etc. I then have lunch and take my nutrition course, workout with my trainer, and then i have to say the day goes pretty slow after that! Dinner and then a movie, then do it all again tomorrow”. 


Have you discovered any new netflix series or cool food recipes whilst in quarantine? 

“Honestly, I haven’t found any great shows which is not the best timing for me but I have been watching a little bit of MAFS (guilty as charged)! I haven’t been cooking too much because i love cooking for other people but I did try to recreate a couple of our daily meals which was pretty funny”. 

So let’s talk pre quarantine, we saw you spent a lot of time in the beautiful Namotu and of course Hawaii, what did your training plan look like coming into these events? 

“I am so grateful to have had time on Namotu and Hawaii. I think my goal in both places was to get more comfortable in bigger conditions and having a better awareness of positioning and wave knowledge. Above all though both places are where I really focused on more of the basics, simplifying and finding more balance in and out of the water. I think my time in both places have given me a new drive and appreciation for the sport”.

We’re pretty jealous of the warm water and tropical waves you have been surfing.”

BRISA IS A SERIOUSLY GOOD COOK. Pic. brisahennessy Instagram

I’m sure there are a few places that you may have not ventured to before this time round in Australia, so where are you most excited to travel to this Aus Trip? 

“Yes I am really excited for all new stops and I thank Australia and the communities for having us! I would have to say I am most excited about Rottnest Island. It looks like it has fun waves and is absolutely beautiful! Plus I admit I really want a selfie with a quokka!”

“We’ll have to show you the ropes around Narrabeen when you get here haha…

Now, last but certainly not least, we know you’re excited to be back to work and competing again however, we want to know what are you most excited about now being in Australia other than competing again?

“I think quarantine definitely emphasised it even more but i am so excited to connect with my friends and family that live here and overall enjoy the beauties and good vibes Australia always brings”. 

BRISA WITH HER CHOICE OF SURFBOARDS. Pic. brisahennessy Instagram

Thank you so much for your time today Brisa, enjoy the last few days of quarantine life and we can’t wait to see you real soon! 

“Thanks for having me guys! You’ve done an incredible job with MurMur and should be really proud!”

Brisa is one of the kindest humans on this planet and to top it all off she absolutely shreds. We cannot wait to see Brisa back in the jersey and look forward to watching her live at our home beach! 

Make sure you follow Brisa here:



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