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by Jesse Starling

With the graceful natural footer currently sitting number 3 in the world, we decided to go behind the scenes and see what Tully gets up to on a day to day basis, both in and out of the water. 


Hey Tully! Welcome to MurMur! We know you as one of the world’s most graceful and talented longboarders! In the longboard and surfing world you’re a pretty household name, for anyone out there who doesnโ€™t know you tell us a little about yourself.

Hey! Thanks for getting in contact, I love what you guys are doing at MurMur and stoked I can be part of it.  Iโ€™m 22 years old and have grown up on Sydneyโ€™s Northern Beaches near Manly. Iโ€™ve been surfing since I was about 13, which is kind of late considering how much it is a part of my life today, but I have been pretty much all in from when I first got on a longboard. I first qualified for the WSL longboard tour in 2019 and have really enjoyed the opportunities being part of the longboarding community have given me ever since. Aside from surfing, I study a Bachelor of Environmental Science And Management at Charles Sturt University and am working both at the Patagonia store in Manly, and on reception at Total Physiotherapy in Manly Vale. Iโ€™m also an ambassador for Surfers for Climate which is a really cool organisation which is a pathway for surfers to get involved in positive climate action which is something I’m really passionate about. 

Tully White

Being from Sydneyโ€™s beautiful Northern Beaches ourselves we know how much that area influenced our surfing and our careers, tell us how living on the Northern Beaches has shaped you into the surfer you are today and who your biggest inspirations were growing up.

The Northern Beaches is a special little bubble and has been a cool place to grow up having so many different waves at my doorstep, all be it crowded! While we donโ€™t have a perfect long point break like the Pass or Noosa to log, the waves here have I think made me a bit more adaptable to a wide variety of conditions that sometimes you have to paddle out in when you do events. There is also an awesome longboard community in Manly, with one of the biggest Mal clubs in Australia being Manly Malibu board riders. The club welcomed me in with open arms when I was only just starting out and has not only introduced me to some of my best mates but also taught me so much which has been helpful as I didnโ€™t grow up in a huge surfing family. Some of my biggest inspirations growing up were part of the club, but also just the local logging community which ripped and always just had a positive attitude and loved to spend time in the water. 


You just finished competing at the first stop of the World LongBoard Tour down at your local break manly. You came out with an amazing 3rd place result putting you in the title race for this year. How did it feel getting a great result in manly and talk us through what your year looks like this year and what you’re looking to achieve in your competitive surfing this year.

I was really surprised when I heard that the first event of the tour was going to be in Manly, as I have always travelled far for events and only ever had other Aussies competing or one person travelling with me. I was absolutely blown away by the community support I received at home with so many crew coming down onto the sand to support me through every heat no matter what time of day. It was so special, and it really pushed me to surf my best every time I got in the water, so I was super grateful for them all. 

The next 2 events this year are in Huntington and Malibu, so both in California. Iโ€™m really looking forward to travelling there again as the waves are fun, and there is a huge backing of support for longboarding over there. In competitive surfing for me Malibu is a focus, as that event is worth twice the points of Huntington and Manly, so will be a big decider in the results for the World Title this year. 


We all know you for your exquisite longboarding skills, however, weโ€™re curious to know if you ride any other kinds of surfboard craft or play any other sports.

Thanks, that’s very kind! Iโ€™m really lucky to be part of the Rhino Laminating family which is a glassing factory in Brookvale. I ride longboards by Keyo surfboards which are made in the factory and Iโ€™m lucky to have a close relationship with my shaper Johnny. Over the past few years though, the crew at Rhino, including my boyfriend Archer and especially the legendary owner Juan has really expanded my love of surfing in the form of riding everything and for that Iโ€™m super grateful. I really enjoy riding bonzers, eggs, single fins, twinnys or anything that makes me excited to spend more time in the water. As for other sports I was super sporty when I was younger playing Soccer, Touch and Athletics but drifted away pretty quick when injuries on land meant less time in the water. 

Tully White

Longboarding is such a unique sport and really quite different to Short Boarding, especially when it comes to competing. The criterias are different, the manoeuvres are different and the waves can often be different too. Do you think there are any similarities between the two and if any do you apply any technique from shortboarding into your surfing.

While they are different, they complement one another very well and being able to do both opens more opportunities to surf, especially at home where the waves are often not great for a log. Shortboarding helps you with reading waves and timing turns but I think the main benefit is more just that itโ€™s more fun to do both!


One of the friendliest humans weโ€™ve ever met. Tully does her part for the world both in and out of the water. With a huge competitive year ahead of her we really look forward to seeing Tully try and snatch that world title this year and we know she can do it! Thank you so much for talking to us Tully!!! And for sharing your insight on everything longboarding.

For more on Tully go here:
