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by Jesse Starling

Seeing as the world is going crazy right now for the very strong contingent of girl groms coming through, we found it only fitting to to recognise these girls and other girl groms around the world. So welcome to murmur-mags top 10 girl groms from around the world. We understand that there are hundreds of thousands of rippers around the world but we decided to showcase just a few of them! 

All of these girls are 16 and under, they absolutely shred and they all have a big future in front of them, so let’s check them out. 

ERIN BROOKS @erinbrookssurf

This isnโ€™t the first time the 13 year old hawaiin shredder Erin Brooks has featured on murmur-mag but after the huge air she displayed in front of the GOAT kelly slater she just had to be on the list! Her name is rising and she has the talent to back it! We love watching you grow up. 

SIERRA KERR @sierrakerr

This girls name has been in the limelight for a long time now, the 13 year old Ariel queen Sierra Kerr has been wowing us with her crazy skills for years now and we just canโ€™t get enough! Cannot wait to see what other tricks she has up her sleeve! 

QUINCY SIMMONS @theflyingsquirrel_

Now this one is definitely one of our favourites, Quincy Simmons also known as the flying squirrel has been shredding since the dawn of time. Her surfing has been impressing the australian lineups for years now, oh and did we mention she’s a keen skater to! We love you like a little sister Quincy!

SKY BROWN @skybrown 

She can dance, surf, skate and she has been inspiring girls all around the world for a long time now! Her surfing and skating talent is way beyond her years and is just awesome to watch. At the age of only 11 she has one countless skating and surfing competition and has also won the Junior dancing with the stars title in 2019. Even after a big accident she is still absolutely shredding, we love to see her determination to come back bigger and better. 

BETTY-LOU SAKURA-JOHNSON @bettylou.sakura.johnson

15 year old hawaiin surfer betty lou sakura-johnson has a surfing style that is the perfect balance of graceful and powerful. Her surfing speaks for itself and is a clear indicator that she has a lot of future when it comes to professional surfing. We absolutely love watching her surf, especially her huge powercarves. 

KEIRA BUCKPITT @keirabuckpitt

Keira Buckpitt is a 15 year old shredder from the east coast of australia. With a smile that can light up any room and a giggle that can make anyone’s heart smile keira is definitely one of a kind. Her stylistic surfing is backed by an immense amount of drive and determination. We absolutely love keira, keep an eye out for her because she will be featured on murmur-mag again very soon. 

RUBY TREW @rubytrew

Ruby Trew is Sydney’s next up and coming grom. At the start of the year at just 11 years old she surfed in her first ever 10,000 trials event for the manly challenger series event. Her passion for surfing and skating pushes her everyday and we see huge improvements in her surfing almost everyday!

VAIHITI MAHANA @vaihitimahana 

The 12 year old hawaiin surfer Vaihiti Mahana is absolutely blowing everyone away with her surfing that is way beyond her years. Her huge tail jams and drawn out carves leaves everyone’s jaws on the floor. Part of the Moore Aloha program, her surfing has gone through the roof with the help of the 4 time world champion Carissa Moore. We hope to have the pleasure of surfing with this young ripper sometime soon! 

ZAHLIA SHORT @zahliashort 

One half of our favourite sister duo zahlia Short is a 14 year old Australian grom who absolutely shreds. The natural footer has a voice of an angel, the face of a goddess and an old school style to match her overall grace. We love zahlia to pieces and canโ€™t wait to see what the future holds for her! 

SHYLA SHORT @shylashort 

The other half of our favorite sister duo Shyla Short or as we know her as Shy is one hell of a shredder. The goofy footer has a smile that could seriously light up any room, much like her sister, her beauty is out of this world but most importantly she can really throw some spray. Shy is one of our favourite grommets and we know her future is very bright. 

These girls are just a few of the thousands of shredders around the world. If you haven’t already, check out all of these girls and you will be shocked with the wave of talent that is coming our way. Keep shredding girls, we are huge fans of all of you girls. 



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